Glaukos Corporation is an ophthalmic medical device company in San Clemente, California. I work as a mechanical engineer on the Engineering team. We are responsible for developing new products to combat glaucoma. I joined Glaukos in September 2015.
Source: Glaukos Corporation

Source: The Boeing Company
I worked for Boeing from September 2014 to September 2015 as a Materials, Process and Physics engineer for Boeing Research and Technology. I supported the commercial aircraft manufacturing lines.

Lucid Energy is a Portland, Oregon based startup that manufactures and installs turbines inside municipal water lines and connects them to generators to provide electricity to residential areas. I interned in the summer of 2013 and worked on a variety of tasks. I worked on the CAD models, helped to install a turbine inside a section of pipe, and wrote a series of Python scripts to apply a Fast Fourier Transform to vibration data from the turbine blades.
Source: Lucid Energy

Source: Genser Energy
Genser Energy is a Ghana-based company that installs and operates small (1-3 MW) power plants on mining establishments to provide a stable source of power for mining operations. I worked for Genser in the summer of 2012 as a business development intern. I was responsible for understanding how the power plants operated and writing a detailed explanation of each individual system for investors to read. I traveled around the country visiting various installations and I also traveled to Burkina Faso to act as a translator to recruit students at the polytechnic university in Ouagadougou.

Acumed is a medical device company based in Hillsboro, Oregon. I worked at Acumed as an engineering intern in the summer of 2011. Acumed was my first engineering internship, and the staff taught me to use CAD, edit engineering drawings and conduct engineering studies. I also spent some time on the shop floor learning from the machinists who operated the 5-axis CNC machines.
Source: Acumed LLC