Terminal Tutorial
Useful tips from William Shotts [1] (unless otherwise indicated)
To set focus mode to follow mouse in Ubuntu: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences focus-mode 'mouse' [2]
bash = Bourne again shell (the first shell was written by Steve Bourne)
ls = list files
cd = change directory
pwd = print working directory
cd /usr/bin = change to this directory (relative pathname)
cd .. = up a directory level
cd bin = down a level
cd = without any modifiers, takes you back to home directory
cd ~emma = takes you to your home directory
less = text editor (q exits)
zless = text editor that can read .gz (compressed) files
file = gives additional information about the file type
ls -l = gives long name and other information for files in a directory
help command = type in "help" followed by a command to learn more about how it works (this works for built-in commands)
command --help = also provides documentation for commands that are not built into the shell
man command = shows the manual for the particular command
mv = move a file
mkdir = make a new directory
rm = remove a file
rm -r directory = can be used to remove a directory and all its contents (Be very careful about using rm in any context!)
ls > filename = allows you to output the data from ls to a file (like a .txt)
ls >> filename = appends the data to the file (> writes over the file)
sort < filename1 > filename2 = sort operates on the input from filename1 and passes the output to filename2
ls -l | less = outputs the result to less so you can scroll through it more easily
du | sort -nr = lists all the directories in current location from largest to smallest and provides directory size
tar.gz = files that are traditional Unix style tape archive files (created with tar) that are compressed using gzip
Outstanding Questions:
What is a kernel?
What is the difference between GNU, bash, Linux and Ubuntu?
What exactly is a shell?
[1] http://linuxcommand.org/lc3_lts0020.php
[2] https://askubuntu.com/questions/64605/how-do-i-set-focus-follows-mouse