A Brief Treatise on Sanding
What's more boring than sanding? You take a part that's sharp, rub it against some sandpaper until the sharp edge is gone, and that's it,...
Turning Tapers
A couple weeks ago I started using a metal lathe again, working on what could generously be dubbed a "pen." I was back at it again this...
Chasing the Supermoon
This week we had the closest supermoon since 1948 so I thought it would be a good opportunity to go out and practice photographing with...
What a Difference a Lathe Makes
This week I took the introductory class on using a metal lathe at Urban Workshop and decided to spend the weekend playing around with the...
Hysteresis is a Hiatus Based on Hardware History
Hysteresis is a phenomenon that has been identified in many places in engineering, science and even economics. The idea behind hysteresis...
Return of the Blog
This blog is back because I want to acheive 3 goals: 1. Become a better writer 2. Develop my creativity 3. Impress possible future grad...
Zen and the Art of Car Maintenance Part 1
Since I bought my 2013 Prius - named Jarvis after the Ironman comics - I have done all the maintenance work on him myself. I want to...
Things That Go Boom In The Night...
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a mechanical engineer will invariably blow up the electrical components of their current...